Taiwan is one of the world’s most important places to consume fine jewelry. It has diversified design capabilities but not the integration of jewelry metalworking techniques. Due to the high quality and stability of Taiwan’s talents and adequate technology, the quantitative and qualitative production in Taiwan of the jewelry metalwork will be in the leading position of Asia and even the world, becoming the world’s factory for metalwork design and molding in the future.

    With continuous advancement and breakthroughs of traditional metalwork, the craftsmanship of fine jewelry can be passed to the new generation to pass on. In this regard, the Education Department of New Taipei City Government and Dong Long Ju (DLJ) Co. Ltd. have jointly planned the competition focusing on jewelry metalwork. We hope that the contestants will use metalwork as the base to express their creativity and combine metal crafts with local culture.

Design theme:the Cosmos

The universe is a magical place, full of unknown charms. Have you ever dreamt of a fantastical journey through the cosmos? As NASA’s Artemis II mission gathers data from the Orion spacecraft in 2024, one of its goals is to assess the feasibility of sending more humans to the moon.
As the timeless allure of the cosmos has been a dream of humanity since ancient times, we invite you to design a one-of-a-kind celestial jewelry piece. Capture the galaxy’s enigmatic beauty and the thrill of interstellar exploration in your design. Utilize the unique properties of gemstones to represent the shimmering cosmic galaxies and design the boundaries of the universe that remains unexplored by humankind.
We encourage you to utilize the unique characteristics of gemstones to create comfortable and sophisticated pieces that showcase your innovative design inspired by the theme of “the cosmos.”